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The Allow comments to be posted option controls the commenting ability of your viewers. When this option is disabled, only you and blog moderators will be able to comment on the entry. If you are allowed to edit entries, you may turn this option on and off after an entry has been published to control the commenting ability as time passed.
You may set the default for this choice in the Blog Control Panel.
The Moderate comments before posting option controls the visibility of comments. When this option is enabled, comments by anyone other than you and blog moderators are invisible until you approve them. If you are allowed to edit entries, you may turn this option on and off after an entry has been published to control the visibility of new comments as time passed.
You may set the default for this choice in the Blog Control Panel.
The Allow trackback / pingback option controls the usability of trackbacks and pingbacks. When this option is enabled, other blogs may post trackback (or pingback) entries to your blog. Trackback and pingback entries are always moderated by default so they will not be seen by anyone else until you approve them. If you are allowed to edit entries, you may turn this option on and off after an entry has been published.
You may set the default for this choice in the Blog Control Panel.
This option will not appear if trackbacks / pingbacks have been disabled by the administrator.
The Notify blogs linked within this blog entry and Send Trackback / Pingback to options allow you to notify other blogs that you have posted an entry in regard to them. You should always include the link to the other blog entry in your entry. Once you send the pingback request, the other blog is going to request your entry and verify that you really did include the link. If you are allowed to edit entries, you may still send pingback notices after the entry has been published.
This option will not appear if trackbacks / pingbacks have been disabled by the administrator.
Haftungsausschluss - das Forum wird von uns weder kommentiert, noch moderiert. Bei den obenstehenden Foreneinträgen handelt es sich ausschließlich um fremde Informationen i.S.d. §§ 9-11 TDG, die sich DAILY DOSE nicht zu eigen macht und für die DAILY DOSE auch nicht verantwortlich ist. Eine Überwachung der Foreneinträge findet gem. § 8 Abs. II TDG nicht statt. Wir behalten uns ausdrücklich vor, im Zweifel rechtswidrige Informationen nach Kenntnisnahme zu sperren oder zu entfernen. Für alle Einträge gelten die unter 'Registrierung' aufgeführten Nutzungsbedingungen. Infos zu rechtswidrigen Beiträgen bitte hier melden. |