Mast producer from Europe has lunched new online shop.
Also we are looking for new Team and test riders!
Check it!
Mast producer from Europe has lunched new online shop.
Also we are looking for new Team and test riders!
Check it!
Which one is the production factory? Triana? Someone else?
Nice HP. If you´re looking for someone to make some advertisement for you in NL and western Germany, just send me a PM...
David - We are the producer of masts, so you buy masts directly from the factory. No dealers, no importers and no commissions. To know more about who we are check our web page (about us).
robinbob - we are looking for young and perspective surfers. So if you would like to become part of our team or just to test the masts read the FAQ and log on
Wow bei denen möchte ich aber keinen Garantiefall haben - wenn ein Testfahrer den Mast in einem Monat unverschuldet bricht bekommt er maximal 65% des Geldes zurück? Das kann doch nur ein Witz sein oder? Wie sieht das dann bei normalen Kunden aus?
Geändert von forPeace (19.06.2010 um 15:45 Uhr)
forPeace is right. That does not seem to be a fair offer. As I understood the text below, the so called 'Test Rider' pays at least 35 % of the price for one month testing and writing a 'constructive opinion'. Whatever that is.1 You pay a full price and we send you the mast.
2 You have one month to thoroughly test the mast and to figure out how the mast suits you and what should be still improved. After a month, you send us the mast back together with a constructive opinion. When we receive the mast and the opinion we return 65% of your payment.
Did I get it right?
"# What happens if the mast breaks during the test?
# You send us the mast back with info about how the accident happened, what were surfing conditions, which sail you were using etc. As soon as we receive the mast and we ascertain that it is not your own fault for the break we will return 50/65% of your. You can also notify us about your accident via email at test(at)mastsonline(dot)com. However, you still have to send us the mast aback together with the info how the accident happened.
Well actually that's what strikes me the most. If you break a mast in one month though it's not your fault you will only get back max. 65%?
I think that if a mast breaks in one month without your fault its a manufacturing error and you should get a new mast. Don't you usually get 2 years warranty?
Geändert von forPeace (20.06.2010 um 11:22 Uhr)
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